American Olean Home Flooring & Tiles

American Olean Home Flooring and Tiles

American Olean was founded in 1948. They manufacture and distribute tiles made to be used in the interior and exterior of your home or commercial business. This business is based in Dayton, New Jersey and offers many types of tiles.

What types of tile does American Olean offer?

American Olean offers a variety of tiles including:

  • Glazed porcelain: A layer of liquid glass is added to tiles before they are fired a second time in a kiln.
  • Quarry tiles: These tiles are made of natural materials like clays, shales, and feldspar.
  • Glass and metal tiles: These tiles are constructed from glass and metal.
  • Mosaic tiles: These tiles are usually made of glass or stone arranged in an artistic pattern.
  • Stone: These tiles are constructed of natural stone, and they can be arranged to create a medallion or a multitude of other looks.
How are tiles rated?

American Olean uses a variety of industry-standard tests to tell about their tiles. These include:

  • Coefficient of Friction (COF): The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration set these standards. Generally, those rated 0.60 or greater are considered safe to walk on even when wet, those rated 0.50 to 0.59 are safe to walk on when dry and those rated less than 0.5 are questionable, according to the standards.
  • Porcelain Enamel Institute (PEI) Rating: This voluntary rating system was established to indicate the amount of abrasion the tile can withstand without impacting the look. The scale goes from one to five with one indicating that is can withstand no foot traffic without some signs of abrasion while five indicates it can withstand heavy foot traffic without showing scuff marks and other signs of abrasion.
  • Water Absorption Rate (W.A.): This standard was established to indicate how much water tile can absorb without cracking. They are classified by percentages with those rated under three percent appropriate for wet areas and those rated over seven percent used in consistently dry areas.
What are some types of natural stone tiles available from American Olean?

American Olean offers a variety of natural stone tile including:

  • Granite: This tile is naturally made from a combination of Brazilian quartz, feldspar, and mica.
  • Limestone: This tile is naturally made from a combination of German shells and coral provides the iconic gray look.
  • Marble: This tile is naturally made from a combination of Spanish calcite and dolomite that were pressed into crystallized limestone millennia ago.
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