Топливные насосы для Ford Aspire

Ford Aspire Fuel Pumps

The fuel pump controls the amount of gas that goes from the tank into your Fords engine. In the Ford Aspire model, it is usually located away from the engine. Ford fuel pumps are mostly found in vehicles that have internal combustion engines because only combustibles can pump up fuel from the cars fuel tank.

Why is your Ford Aspire fuel pump not getting power?

There could be a few reasons why the Aspires pump is not getting power. One reason could be that the Fords fuse link has blown. Another reason could be an issue with the Aspire relay system. There could also be a fuel issue. If unsure, its best to get the vehicle checked out.

What types of fuel pumps are found in the Ford Aspire?

The Ford Aspire has either a mechanical or electric pump. Each Ford model has its own features and way of functioning. Aspire drivers who need parts and replacements should do their homework to figure which option optimally suits their needs.

  • Mechanical fuel pump: The mechanical fuel pump is more often used with Ford engines that have carburetors. Before fuel pumps were a necessity, fuel was transferred into the Aspire carburetor by gravity. Some later-model Fords use different technology to manage fuel flow.
  • Electric fuel pump: These are the more well-known types used in later-model Aspires. The pump is located directly inside the tank, which injects fuel at a higher pressure. These pumps are common due to the boost they provide to fuel performance.

How do you know the Aspire fuel pump is bad?

Because the fuel pump is an essential component of supplying the Fords engine with fuel, issues can arise that will affect performance. When the pump begins to go bad, there are some symptoms that can alert the driver:

  • Whining noise from fuel tank - The Ford pump may give off a loud whistling or whining sound when running. Most pumps are quiet, so if this happens, the fuel pump may be going bad.
  • Difficulty starting the car - Difficulty starting the Ford Aspire can also signify a problem. Over time, pumps will eventually weaken. Lack of fuel pressure can cause problems with starting your Ford.
  • Misfiring or decreasing in power upon acceleration - Engine performance issues can also take place due to a worn fuel pump. If the cars pump has low pressure, it will cause fuel misfires, low acceleration, and stalling.
  • Vehicle failing to start - If the cars fuel pump is completely non-functional, the Aspire will not start. This is because there is a lack of fuel being circulated. However, a failure to start can be due to a variety of issues. If unsure, the car should be taken to the nearest Ford Aspire mechanic.