Jones New York Double-Breasted Suits & Blazers для мужчин

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Jones New York Double-Breasted Suits for Men

Among the suit offerings from Jones New York are those that are described as double-breasted. What makes these types of suits double-breasted is that the coat, jacket, or vest features wide, overlapping front flaps and two symmetrical columns of buttons. In contrast, a single-breasted suit has a narrow overlap and only one column of buttons.

How do you find the right size double-breasted suit?

Double-breasted suit sizes include a double-digit number and a letter, usually S, R, or L. The number refers to your chest measurement (the circumference), and the letter indicates your height group. A second set of double-digit numbers refers to the waist and inseam for the trousers. Although there are exceptions to this rule, the general correlation between letters and height groups is as follows:

  • S: 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 7 inches
  • R: 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 10 inches
  • L: 5 feet 11 inches to 6 feet 2 inches
What button configurations are available?

Double-breasted suits have two main button configurations: 6x2 and 4x2. The first number is the total number of front buttons, and the second number is the number of buttons used to fasten the suit together. The 6x2 double-breasted suit configuration is the classic double-breasted suit setup. It consists of six buttons arranged in two columns and three lines. Only two of the buttons actually fasten. The rest are decorative. On a 4x2 double-breasted suit, you have four buttons arranged in two rows and two lines. Only two buttons fasten, often the top pair.

On a double-breasted suit, there is typically an interior button, an "anchor" button, that you should fasten. It is used to parallel-fasten the suit's overlapping layers together from the inside. It is recommended that you fasten one or both of the mid-line buttons on a 6x2 double-breasted suit.

What exactly is a houndstooth double-breasted suit?

Houndstooth consists of a notch-cornered check pattern that evokes dog's teeth. It is closely associated with the traditional textiles of Scottish shepherds. It is often paired with wool and tweed, but this is not a standard rule. The suit pattern is unisex.

What is suit drop?

"Drop" refers to the size difference between your chest and your waist. In the United States, standard suit drop is 7 inches for slim-fit suits and 6 to 8 inches for other fits. For "L" suits, or long suits, the drop is 3 to 5 inches.