Запчасти для электрооборудования и зажигания для мотоцикла Triumph Bonneville 650

Motorcycle Electrical and Ignition for Triumph Bonneville 650

Find the right alternators, batteries, and other electrical and ignition parts for your Triumph Bonneville 650. Having the right parts might mean the difference of needing a repair for your Bonneville and keeping your bike in top condition over the years. Don't let vital maintenance and repair keep you from getting your Triumph out on the road.

What are the different types of motorcycle batteries?
  • Wet cell or lead acid batteries: Wet cell batteries hold their electrolytes in liquid acid. These batteries require the addition of water periodically.
  • Dry cell or maintenance free batteries: Dry cell batteries hold their electrolytes in a low moisture paste under pressure. Water does not need to be added as this battery is designed to combine access hydrogen and oxygen to make water within the unit.
  • Gel motorcycle batteries: These batteries hold the electrolytes within a gelling agent that doesn't move. Because it doesn't move, gel batteries are used in bikes where the battery has to be installed at an angle.
What can cause a motorcycle battery to die?
  • Battery overload: Too many accessories can drain the battery even when the bike is not running. Consider disconnecting the battery when not using your bike
  • Faulty alternator: If your alternator is not working properly, the battery has no chance to recharge once the engine is running.
  • Poor ground connection: If there is a poor connection between the frame and the battery, this prevents the battery from charging properly.
  • Leaky circuit: A leaky circuit could be caused by accessories.
How does the alternator in a Triumph Bonneville work?

The alternator in your Bonneville charges the battery by changing kinetic energy into electricity. The alternator on a motorcycle has two primary components:

  • Stator: The stator sends voltage to the battery.
  • Magnet rotor or flywheel: This part rotates around the stator to create an electrical charge that the stator sends to the battery.
Why do the stators need replacing?

The stators in the Triumph Bonneville alternator fail because of damage in their coil windings. The windings can be physically broken or short out due to heat buildup in the engine or failure of rectifier function in the alternator.

How do you check whether your Triumph stator is working?

For this test, you will need a multi-meter. Before you begin, make sure your Triumph is off and the stator is unhooked from the regulator.

  1. Setting the multi-meter to the lowest OHM setting, insert one probe of the multi-meter into a slot on the stator plug, disconnected from the regulator.
  2. Touch the other probe to the frame of the motorcycle.
  3. If the displays show anything besides "open" or the infinity sign, the stator is grounded and needs to be replaced.
  4. Then, use your multi-meter to test the connection of the stator itself by inserting probes into the plug slots A and B, then B and C, and then, C and A.
  5. These connections should read pretty consistent and should be around 0.2 to 0.5 OHMs.