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Wooden Board Game Pieces Parts

Wooden board game pieces can be very useful for replacing lost parts, upgrading your board game, or crafting designs. Many companies produce wooden pieces, including Milton Bradley, Hasbro, and Parker Brothers. There are also independent craftspeople and indie board game designers who craft wood game parts for board games.

What games use wooden pieces?

Many board games have versions that use wooden objects instead of plastic. Some of the most common board games that use wooden pieces include:

  • Scrabble: In Scrabble, both the letter pieces and the tile racks are traditionally made from wood.
  • Risk: Wooden tokens can represent five or ten troops depending on their shape and color.
  • Chess and Checkers: Both of these board games can be played with a set of light and a set of dark wooden pawns and pieces.
  • Monopoly: The material is typically used for the houses and hotels in Monopoly, but you can also find wooden versions of Monopoly tokens.
  • Settlers of Catan: This game uses colored wooden pieces to represent roads, settlements, and cities.
  • Backgammon: The pawns in backgammon are a mixture of light and dark colored materials.
  • Chinese Checkers: Wooden pieces for this game may be shaped like balls or traditional tokens.
  • Yahtzee: Wood may be used to create the dice or the dice cup in this game.
How should you store wooden game pieces?

Most game pieces are coated with a material that makes them less likely to get damaged due to humidity. However, it is still a good idea to keep your game parts in a dry place where they will not be exposed to excess water. Dyed or painted wood should be kept out of the sun to avoid any fading.

Are all wooden game pieces vintage?

Most older versions of games were made with wood instead of cardboard and plastic, so vintage game collectors often search for wood pieces. However, keep in mind that game pieces are not necessarily old just because they are not plastic. Many companies produce luxury or special edition versions of their product that are also wooden.

What sizes are wooden game pieces?

Sizing for pawns of nonbranded board games like chess or Chinese checkers can vary quite a bit. However, sizes are generally consistent with branded games. Here are the sizes for pieces to these games.

  • Scrabble: Scrabble game squares are 19 by 19 millimeters square, and they are 4 millimeters thick.
  • Risk: Depending on type of piece, these are between 21 to 28 millimeters in height.
  • Monopoly: Both the houses and hotels are ½ inch wide. The houses are ⅜ inches long and the hotels are ⅝ inches long.
  • Settlers of Catan: The game's road pieces are .5 centimeters wide and 2.5 centimeters long, and the settlements are 1 centimeter wide, 1.4 centimeters long, and 1.2 centimeters tall.